Whispers from The Deep South

Bob in Nashville, August 2022

This month Bob has taken full advantage of a wonderful opportunity to travel to Texas to host Buddy Holly's 85th Birthday Celebration in Lubbock, TX. His Stateside visit, lasting much of August, took in visits to Tennessee & Alabama and a chance to catch up with many old friends, colleagues, fellow broadcasters - as well as making many new friends along the way.

By way of a diary here are some highlights from his trip as featured on Bob’s Twitter & Intagram pages. Enjoy!

“I’m in Lubbock Texas. I’m here to host a very special tribute concert for @tbhef. The sun is out, the sky is blue, there’s not a cloud to spoil the view. And it’s not raining in my heart either”


Rob Brydon meets Bob Harris


My life through a lens: legendary music broadcaster Bob Harris, 75, shares the stories behind his favourite snaps